Camera-ready instructions
Please submit the camera-ready version of your paper at the submission system by 13th March 2023 (satellite workshops: by 28th April 2023):
Please note that substantial changes to the reviewed paper are not allowed, except for those which address specific reviewers’ comments and improve the paper. We reserve the option to use the accepted version of your paper if we feel that the updated version differs substantially from what was accepted. The revised paper has a maximum length of 4 pages, plus an optional fifth page for references only, following the style in the Author Kit.
Please note that the author list may not be edited.
PDF EXPRESS: Authors must upload their paper to PDF eXpress (https://ieee-pdf-express.org) using the conference ID 49357X (for satellite workshops use ID 59220X) prior to uploading it through CMT. This will generate an IEEE-compatible file for the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
COPYRIGHT FORM: Authors must also submit their copyright form to IEEE. There will be a link in the submission form which directs you to the electronic copyright form – please download the completed form and upload it to CMT.
If a paper is not presented at the conference, the paper will not be published by IEEE on IEEE Xplore® or other public access forums, but these papers will be distributed to conference attendees as conference proceedings and the copyright of these papers will belong to IEEE.
One author should register by 20 March 2023 at the author registration rate https://cvent.me/aLY9Rq.
Advanced satellite workshop paper author registration deadline is 26 April 2023. Check the registration page for details on registration benefits and information about covering workshop papers.
Note: If you are registering as an author, you must select a non-student registration type to cover your paper. Only one author per paper should register at the author rate. Any co-authors attending can register using the non-author options. At least one author should plan to attend ICASSP in person to present the paper.
Once authors are registered, they may request an invitation letter.