Call for Special Sessions
The organizing committee of ICASSP 2023 invites proposals for Special Sessions on emerging topics in signal processing. Please read carefully the submission guidelines outlined next before submitting your proposal through the conference submission platform that will open soon. The proposals should be prepared using this template.
Proposal submission
Each session proposal should include an Abstract (limited to 2,000 characters) along with a Background- -and-Justification paragraph (limited to 3,000 characters), in which the session organizers elaborate on
i) the motivation behind the special session, and
ii) the collective quality and potential impact of the committed papers in the proposed session.
Each proposal should also include a title, list of authors, and Abstracts of the committed papers. It will be appreciated for the six (6) committed papers per proposed session to reflect geographic diversity to the maximum extent possible. All papers of proposed special sessions will be rigorously reviewed, and every effort will be made for the accepted ones to be presented in oral sessions.
No author can appear as co-author in more than one paper of a single special session.
ICASSP 2023 will be the first post-pandemic edition of the IEEE-SPS flagship conference, and the special sessions are expected to foster the return to an in-person experience. Accordingly, there must be an author of each accepted paper presenting it in-person.
Proposal selection
Special session proposals will be evaluated based on i) the proposed topic; ii) the expected impact and quality of the contributed papers; and, iii) the session organizer(s) and contributing authors. A special session should preferably address an emerging topic in signal processing that is not fully aligned with a specific Technical Committee of the Signal Processing Society.
Selection of a special session proposal does not guarantee final acceptance of the special session. Papers submitted to special sessions will undergo rigorous review similar to that for regular submissions. The acceptance of a special session to the ICASSP technical program hinges upon the quality of the papers submitted to the special session.
Important Dates
Special Session Proposal Deadline | 18 August 2022 |
Special Session Acceptance Notification | 12 September 2022 |
Special Session Paper Submission Deadline | 26 October 2022 |
Please email your inquiry related to special sessions to specialsessions@2023.ieeeicassp.org