Call for Satellite Workshops
The organizing committee of ICASSP-2023 invites proposals for Satellite Workshops, aiming to inaugurate such tradition at ICASSPs with the goals of enriching the conference program, attracting a wider audience, and enhancing inclusivity for students and professionals. The ICASSP Satellite Workshops will be half- or full-day events and will take place the day before or after the main conference technical program at the conference venue. Their main emphasis will lie on clearly focused and emerging topics that are not specifically covered in the main conference and/or enable thematic synergies between the IEEE Signal Processing and other related societies. The workshops may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynotes, and panels, encouraging the participation of attendees in active discussions. Submitted workshop papers should abide by the ICASSP-2023 paper style, format, and length, while their peer-reviewing process should follow the main conference reviewing guidelines if the workshop organizers desire that the workshop papers be published at the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Note that, similarly to the main conference, the Satellite Workshops are expected to foster the return to an in-person attendance experience. Accordingly, there must be an author of each accepted workshop paper presenting it in-person.
Proposal Submission:
Satellite Workshop proposals should be submitted through a special track to the ICASSP-2023 paper management system (Microsoft CMT) by the submission deadline (see Important Dates below), with the workshop organizer(s) appearing as the author(s) of the submission and the proposal being a free-form pdf file.
Please read carefully the guidelines outlined next before submitting your proposal via this submission link.
The free-form proposal pdf should include the following information in the listed sequence with corresponding numbered bullets for the proposed workshop:
- Full title and – if available – its acronym.
- Organizer name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), and email(s).
- Duration/Type: Half or full day event.
- Expected number of attendees.
- Publication of the workshop papers at the IEEE Xplore Digital Library: Yes/No.
- Short abstract with the main idea (up to 200 words).
- Keywords listing the main topics covered.
- Extended abstract discussing the motivation, impact, and main directions covered (up to 1000 words, including a few references if necessary). Explicit statements should be made as to why the subject(s) covered warrant a dedicated workshop outside the main conference, how this would complement the main conference and its relevance to it, how it could generate a new momentum in the field, and aspects of novelty (emerging fields), interdisciplinarity, and synergies with other societies. In addition, details should be provided if any competitions / challenges are planned.
- Planned composition: What mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynotes, and panels (having all is not required) is envisaged with any specific tentative information on specific contributors, if known.
- Measures to ensure diversity and addressing any ethical issues (e.g. in case of shared data).
- Short bios of the organizer(s), including expertise on the proposed topic (e.g. relevant publications or projects), experience with organizing similar efforts in the past, and a personal website link – if available (up to 500 words).
The proposals will be judged based on their thematic relevance to ICASSP, their focus and novelty, the potential interest and excitement they may generate, the credentials of their organizer(s), and the proposal completeness in terms of the provided information.
Workshop Logistics:
Organizers of ICASSP-2023 Satellite Workshops will be responsible for the workshop scientific planning and promotion, including the setup of their external web-site (this will be linked from the main ICASSP-2023 site but not hosted there), running of the paper reviewing process, undertaking all communication with the submitted paper authors, creating and announcing the event schedule, abiding by the Important Dates listed below, and seamlessly communicating with the Workshop Chairs. Note that, specifically for workshops that will appear at IEEE Xplore, their paper submission and reviewing process will be conducted through the ICASSP-2023 paper management system (Microsoft CMT).
The ICASSP-2023 organizers will handle workshop registration, allocation of facilities, and distribution of the workshop papers in electronic format. Note that workshop attendance will be free-of-charge for the main conference registrants, while a reduced registration fee will be charged to workshop-only attendees.
Important Dates:
Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: 9 November 2022
Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: 23 November 2022
Workshop Website Online: 7 December 2022
Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: 15 February 2023
Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: 14 April 2023
Workshop Camera Ready Paper Deadline: 28 April 2023
Workshop Chairs:
Maria Sabrina Greco, University of Pisa, Italy
Gerasimos Potamianos, University of Thessaly, Greece
Contact: workshops@2023.ieeeicassp.org