Best Paper Awards
The following papers were at the top of all submitted papers in each category. The ICASSP 2023 Organizing Committee congratulates the authors for their achievement. Their effort is commendable and sets an example for all members of the signal processing community.
Best Paper Award
Audio signal enhancement with learning from positive and unlabelled data
Nobutaka Ito, Masashi Sugiyama
Best Industry Paper Award
Contrastive learning-based audio to lyrics alignment for multiple languages
Simon Durand, Daniel Stoller, Sebastian Ewert
Best Student Paper Awards
Perspective projection-based 3D CT reconstruction from biplanar X-rays
Daeun Kyung, Kyungmin Jo, Jaegul Choo, Joonseok Lee, Edward Choi
Large covariance matrix estimation with oracle statistical rate
Quan Wei, Ziping Zhao
Hyperbolic audio source separation
Darius Petermann, Gordon Wichern, Aswin Shanmugam Subramanian, Jonathan LeRoux
High-dimensional confidence regions in sparse MRI
Frederik Hoppe, Felix Krahmer, Claudio Mayrink Verdun, Marion Menzel, Holger Rauhut
Solving audio inverse problems with a diffusion model
Eloi Moliner, Jaakko Lehtinen, Vesa Valimaki