Author Ethics and IEEE Author Tools
Date: Monday, 5 June 2023
Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Nafsika A
Authors Ethics and IEEE Author Tools will take place on Monday, 5 June from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
The first half of this workshop will provide a comprehensive review of author ethics and best practices that will cover:
- the proper preparation of a manuscript;
- how to apply for funding and grants;
- best practices to avoid bibliometric and citation manipulation;
- discussion of the submission and the peer review process;
- via case studies, offer ethical practices to ensure successful publication.
The second half of this workshop will be presentations about new and updated IEEE tools for authors.
- SigPort for authors, is an online repository of manuscripts, reports, technical white papers, theses, and supporting materials. Created and supported by the IEEE Signal Processing Society(SPS), SigPort collects technical material of interests to the broad signal processing community. It hosts material to help individuals obtain early and broad exposure on their work.
- IEEE DataPort™, a new IEEE product and service in support of submitting data and code in an IEEE dedicated repository with support from the Signal Processing Society.
- Code Ocean, a third-party repository to store and run algorithmic code.
- IEEE Author Center/Portal, which is now the premier tool that covers all types of authors to help navigate through the author journey.
- A new addition to the program is from Interface Guru, a third-party, human-centric UX service provider offering a presentation on: “Creating Usable Scientific Illustrations for Scholarly Articles.” While scholarly articles often require the use of figures to convey concepts, these figures can suffer from common ergonomic errors. Usability studies demonstrate that user comprehension can be inadvertently undermined by problematic illustrations, reducing relevance and immediate comprehension. This session will teach the fundamentals of usable figures and illustrations. After this workshop you will be able to create optimal graphics, regardless of the software tool you choose. During the interactive Q&A portion, participants may submit figures for group analysis.
Please join us for this informative workshop and we look forward to lively and interactive discussions.
Bill Colacchio, SPS Senior Manager, Publications & Education Strategy and Services
James E. Fowler, Program Director, National Science Foundation
Gaurav Sharma, Professor, University of Rochester
Sriram Ganapathy, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science
Cia Romano, Founder and Senior UX Analyst, Interface Guru